The Future is Bright in Our Hands


Passion. Experience. Leader.


I was born into a family of educators.  I grew up in SW Oklahoma City and attended Moore Public Schools from 1st grade through high school.  My mom and dad, Ron and Sharon Gray, are both retired educators and live in Norman. They are devoted Texas Tech fans and love volunteering their time at their church and helping others.  My dad continues to teach as an adjunct professor at OCCC.  

My husband Todd and I married in June of 1996 and celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary this year. We met while teaching together at Will Rogers Elementary in Putnam City Public Schools.  Todd has coached softball and wrestling and teaches Physical Education.  This coming year will be his 31st year in Putnam City Public Schools.  We have a 16 year old daughter, Addye Grayce. She attends Edmond North High School in Edmond Public Schools and is involved in National Honor Society and on the Varsity and State POM team. Her extra-curricular interest is competitive dance.  She is on the competitive dance team with Epic Dance Studio in Edmond.  She loves singing and listening to music and spending time with family and friends.

My brother and sister-in-law, Tom and Teri Jester, live in Edmond where Tom recently retired as the Deputy Chief of Police for OKC Police Department and Teri was a middle school teacher in Deer Creek Public Schools and retired in the Spring of 2019.

Between my mom, dad, Todd and I, we have over 132 years serving in public education. We are proud educators that have servant hearts and want to work to help provide opportunities for the people around us.




I attended Moore Public Schools and graduated in the 1st graduating class of Westmoore High School in 1989.  I had many opportunities for leadership positions through cheerleading, drama, choir, student council and by serving as a class officer.  

In Fall of 1989, I attended Oklahoma City University as a musical theater major.  I graduated in Summer of 1993 with a degree in Music Education with a minor in Speech and Theater.

In 1996, after teaching a short three years, I started my masters program and graduated with a 4.0 in two years from UCO with a Masters in School Administration.  

In in the Fall of 2019, I was accepted into the Doctoral program at the University of Oklahoma. I am currently finishing coursework and enrolled in the Superintendent’s Internship.