Month 1
In the first month on the job, I would spend each day learning as much as possible about the departments and members of my team. I would begin building personal relationships, all while learning the culture of the system. I would set times to meet with teams and team leaders to listen and learn about what is good at Francis Tuttle and the jobs they do for the technology center. My time would be spent reading about the technology center and programs within Francis Tuttle while immersing myself in everything about the district. If there were any position openings on my team, I would spend time recruiting and hiring the best applicants as soon as possible. At the end of the first month I would analyze needs and make a plan for month two on the job. During the first month, I would make lists of the upcoming tasks/events that need to be covered or addressed for the upcoming months.
Month 2
In month two, I would spend time growing the new relationships. I would have more in depth conversations with key leaders at Francis Tuttle to get a better understanding of my role and how I can serve them as a team member. I would also spend time with my direct reports and their teams to foster relationships, share my leadership style and expectations of collaboration. As I actively listen, I would begin to prioritize needs and look for strengths within in my team that can be built upon. I would begin thinking and planning strategically about my departments and areas of need that may need to reviewed in the future. In the first two months I would be continuously learning policies and practices of Francis Tuttle.
Month 3
During month three, I would continue to create a schedule to ensure I am spending quality time with the various departments and leaders on my team. I would be strategic about our meeting focus in month three as I dive deeper into department structures, needs, and celebrate the good around Francis Tuttle. Throughout the first three months I would be familiarizing myself with the Francis Tuttle and Career Tech ways of doing business and deepen my understanding of the Technology Center system and my role.